Privacy policy

This website is operated by 1 ALS SECURITY. We ensure that we comply with our obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The privacy of our users is extremely important to us and therefore we encourage all users to read this policy very carefully because it contains important information regarding:

Who we are? How and why we collect, store, use and share personal information? What is your right in relation to your personal information? How to contact us and supervisory authorities?


Who we are:


1 ALS SECURITY (we, us, our) collect, use and are responsible for storing certain personal information about you (you, your, yours).


Personal information we collect and use:


We may process the following types of personal information in relation to you:

Your personal data, Your Identity, Your proof of address documents, your photograph and in some cases we do video recording to register you for the course and to verify your identity for examination purpose.


Sharing of your personal information:


On any occasion where any of your personal information is shared with any third party, we shall only permit them to process such information for our required purposes (ex: certification, fraudulent activities). In order to meet the purposes we have described above, we may on some occasions need to share your personal information with other third parties. These third parties are Awarding bodies and government bodies or law enforcement agencies.


How long your personal information will be kept:


Your personal information will only be kept for the period of time which is necessary for us to fulfil the above purposes.


Keeping your data secure:


We will ensure the proper safety and security of your personal data and have measures in place to do so. We will also use technological and organisation measures to keep your data secure. We have proper procedures in place to deal with any data security breach, which shall be reported and dealt with in accordance with data protection laws and regulations. You shall also be notified of any suspected data breach concerning your personal information.


Financial Information:


We do not hold your financial data and we do not share your financial data with any third parties. We will no longer store or share your debit or credit score card details. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please email us at